


be water my friend/

Batzutan ez dakidalako gauzak posizio zuzenetik begiratzen. Eta ez naizelako konturatzen basoa erdi betea edo erdi hutsa dagoen.

Positiboagoa izan N.

Eta zu, jarraitu erakusten mesedez. Gaur, erdi betea.

Because sometimes I don't know look at the things from the correct point of view. And don't realize if the glass is a half full or half empty.

Be more positive N.

And you, keep on teaching me, please. Today half full.


Give it to me/ yeah/

Sorpresa. Gustatzen zaidalako. Eman hiru gehiago eta lau aldiz...

Surprise. Because I love it. Give it  to me 3 more times and 4 times... 

                                     Terry Richardson - Robin & Batman


( ... )

Batzutan gauzak ez ditugulako ulertzen. Eta besteetan, askotan, ulertzen ez nautelako. Besteetan ordea, ni ez naiz ulertzen, ezta zu ere. Baina beti Nestor naiz.

Besteetan ordea, besteak ez.


Sometimes I don’t understand the things. And other times, many people don’t understand me. Others on the other hand, I don’t understand myself, as you do. But always I’m Nestor.

Sometimes…others, they are not.
