Axun, 70 urteko emakumea, alabaren senar ohia zaintzera joango da ospitalera. Bere ezustekoa, ondoko gaixoa zaintzen duen emakumea Maite da, nerabezaroko lagun mina, 50 urte luzetan ikusi ez duena. Gaztetan zuten kimika oraindik bizirik dagoela somatuko dute berehala. Axolagabe gozatu eta dibertitzen dira elkarrekin, Axun, Maite lesbiana dela jabetzen den arte. Bere sentimenduak dudan jarrito ditu Axunek: zer jarraitu, burua edo bihotza?
Nik garbi daukat, zu jarraituko zintuzket.
Axun, is a 70-year-old woman, is taking care of his ex-son-in-law in the hospital. For her surprise, the woman who takes care of the other patient in the room is Maite, her childhood friend, that they haven’t seeing each other until 50 years. The chemistry that they had is still alive, and they will realize soon. They enjoy without worries, until Axun discovers that Maite is lesbian. Axun will put in doubts her feelings, and she’ll have to choose the head, or the heart?
suelo pasar pero no suelo leer mucho, me da un poquito de pereza leer en ingles y eso :P
ResponderEliminarmi proyecto ahi va! falta poquito para terminar ya asi que genial!