Yasmine Chatila argazkilariak, New-Yorken barrena ibili da argazkiak ateratzen kaletik etxe barrenetan ikusten ziren gauzei. Eta hemen ikus ditzakegu bere obraren argazki batzuk. Lehenengo argazki hau, niretzako, munduko politena.
Fila +1+1 = Gu
Yasmine Chatila the photographer has been taking photos in the streets of New York to the things that she saw by the windows of the houses. Here we find a few photos of her work. For me, the first one, the best.
Gehiago/ More...
Grrrrrrr...Hummmm...Ñamm... Gimme-gimme more.
uauuu, me encantan...
ResponderEliminarHi, great post. There's another story on Yasmine Chatila. She's shot in her own home. Nice portraits of her in own environment. Go to http://anafternoonwith.com/2010/05/26/yasmine-james/
ResponderEliminarSon preciosas... te hacen sentir espía! Te sigo.
ResponderEliminar198, Butterfly: Design/Fashion/Art/Architecture.
Y yo que pensaba que ahora solo se hacía de voyeur con Facebook ...
ResponderEliminarGracias por pasarte por nuestro blog =)
¡Un saludo y muy buen blog!
Hmmm... Great and sexy post! I love it ♥
ResponderEliminar...Give me more... xD
Lehenengo argazkia berezia da oso!!! *